Celebrate with your alma mater 70 years since its founding. Come to the largest alumni event in the history of the Prague University of Economics and Business!

What’s in store for you? Definitely a rich program that you can enjoy together with your whole family.

VŠE Alumni Homecoming combines a professional conference with leading Czech speakers from among our alumni, a cultural and entertainment programme. A day full of innovation awaits you at the VŠE in Vencovský Auditorium. In addition to expert lectures, the faculties have prepared a lot of workshops, networking events and much more.

As part of an unconventional tour of the Žižkov Campus, you will get to places you may not have been to during your studies.

We don’t forget about your children either – we are preparing playful workshops and sports activities for them which they will surely enjoy.

Your alma mater is celebrating, so celebrate too!

Saturday, 21st October 2023

Meet us at VŠE - come and take the opportunity

Do you have a group of classmates around you that you meet with regularly?
Do you have a group of classmates around you that you meet with regularly?

Do you have a group of classmates around you that you meet with regularly?
If you have a group of classmates around you that you meet with regularly, we’ll set up a special space for you to enjoy these precious moments together! Let us know at alumni@vse.cz and we will take care of your group.
Come and enjoy unforgettable moments together at your alma mater, where you started your educational and professional journey.

We will meet at the VŠE – come and make the most of this wonderful opportunity.

Renew your graduation pledge

Has it been more than 5 years since your graduation?
Has it been more than 5 years since your graduation?

Then we have great news for you! At the Alumni Homecoming event, you have a unique opportunity to renew the pledge you made years ago.

Join us at the opening of the entire event in the beautiful Vencovského Auditorium, where the renewal of the graduation pledge and commencement will take place. We will inform you of the exact time soon, so you can plan your day and be there with us.

Alumni Homecoming is about memories, reunions, and celebrations. By renewing your pledge, you will once again recall your student days and connect with other graduates who have walked a similar path.

The deadline to register for the graduation ceremony is October 18.

Programme by rooms

Main Stage – Auditorium RB 101 (programme in Czech language)

Simona Kijonková a doc. Daniela Pauknerová: Work-life balance – can work-life balance be found and maintained?
  • Simona Kijonková is perceived as a successful businesswoman and manager. But she is also a parent. How does she manage or fail to maintain a balance between her work and personal life? What was this balance like in the early days of the business and what is it like now? What advice would she have given herself 10 years ago today? Has she ever experienced job burnout? These and other questions will be asked by doc. Daniela Pauknerová, Head of the Department of Managerial Psychology and Sociology at FPH.
Marek Rojíček: Official statistics between the past and the future
  • Societal changes are also reflected in the development of official statistics. This concerns the capture of new areas of interest, but also the data sources used by statistical institutions and the tools they use to process them. Last but not least, the way data are presented and popularised is also changing. Nowadays, it is no longer a problem to access statistical data, but to know it and to distinguish its quality and its telling power, and this is where the role of national and international statistical institutions is indispensable.
Lenka Nováková: Digitalization in the accounting industry
  • Every change in life is very difficult to accept and difficult for a person. There have been a lot of changes happening in the accounting and finance industry lately, which can create fear of change, but on the other hand can add value. These changes include trends in artificial intelligence, robots, chatbots, new cloud technologies. As machine learning, artificial intelligence, apps and other technologies continue to improve, they are already beginning to have a significant impact on professional fields such as accounting, finance, law and also accountability in these fields. Professionals in these fields will be more productive and proficient, able to handle more activities and provide more value because they can identify actionable insight rather than just transcribing numbers from paper documents. Cloud technologies are helping to change industries, on the other hand, for some organizations they may still not be preferred due to their limitations in capitalizing on company assets. How much can accounting methodology influence a company’s future digital strategy?
Markéta Kajabová: How to make sustainable behaviour automatic
  • I consider sustainable behaviour to be automatic, they don’t always talk about it and it’s hard for them to boast about any progress. “If you never use a defective issue, you cannot then report that you have removed it, ” … Markéta Kajabová, Managing Director of dm drogregii markt s.r.o., will talk to you about sustainable behaviour.
Václav Klaus: How a VŠE student from the late 1950s and early 1960s sees today’s world and today’s higher education
  • Higher education, along with society as a whole, is undergoing a rapid evolution. One of them, Prof. Václav Klaus, will give us an insight into how students who graduated from university in the 1950s and 1960s perceive and navigate today’s world.
Martin Jahn: Global crisis or new normal? 
  • Almost thirty years since graduation from the Prague University of Economics and Business. Approximately one third of my life has been spent in public service, two thirds in the Volkswagen Group, one third in the Czech Republic, and two thirds in countries that have a major impact on the global economy and politics – the USA, Russia, Germany and China. What I have come to on my journey, what I have understood from my mistakes and what I have learned from my errors. How to navigate in today’s world: to follow your own values and follow your inner compass.

Auditorium RB 210

Eva Zamrazilová: Reflection and perspectives on higher education from personal experience
  • In the context of his own journey through higher education both as a student and as a teacher, and subsequent economic practice in his lecture doc. Eva Zamrazilová will evaluate the development of higher education in the field of economic disciplines. The lecture will (among other things) focus on key issues in the direction of higher education, which are related to, for example, the increasing bureaucratization or the demands on academics.
Ladislav Jelen: Why the caps?
  • We want to be sustainable also in packaging management, how do we go about it? How does packaging management fit into the topic of carbon footprint? Why did we invent the lids? About this briefly in the lecture and then in a possible debate in the FM VŠE chill out zone.
Miloslav Janhuba: Moments from the history of university accounting education
  • The lecture will focus on a brief history of accounting and its university teaching in the Czech lands, on the characteristics of the content and forms of accounting teaching at the University of Economics since its beginning in 1953. Along with the development of the tribal professional department over the past 70 years, it will also recall the development of the accounting field of study.
Jan Pavel: Sustainability of Public Finances in the Czech Republic
  • Why are Czech public finances in imbalance and how to change it? Why are we unable to get out of high deficits and is the problem on the expenditure or revenue side? What will the ageing population bring us and will we be able to finance everything?

Stage Science and AI – Auditorium RB 211 (programme in Czech language)

A big topic for us will be Innovation at the University of Economics, which we will devote a whole block to. Because innovation is the source of progress and constant moving forward. And how to innovate and move forward in practice? By putting scientific knowledge and new technologies into practice. In the lecture block entitled Innovation at the University of Economics, we will introduce you to the scientific work that our academics are working on and, together with our women in science, you will be able to go behind the scenes of their scientific activities during a panel discussion.

Pavel Hnát: Research on teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards AI and its implementation in teaching
  • The Vice-Rector for Teaching and Quality Management will introduce us to a unique research study on the attitude of academics and students of universities towards artificial intelligence.
Senta and Miloš Čermák: How to make the most of AI in your practice, not only in management
  • There are two of us. We studied cybernetics at the Czech Technical University in the 1980s and fell in love with computers, but we didn’t end up doing computer science. One of us has worked in business for 30 years, the other is a journalist and writes books. We thought we had the biggest technological revolution in the 1990s. We were wrong. Or so we think. The advent of AI will change the world. And we’re going to show you how to use Ai to streamline your time-consuming daily tasks.
Panel discussion: Women in Science
  • With leading scientists Helena Chytilova, Kateřina Kočí, Markéta Majerová, Veronika Mokrejšová and Lucie Sara Závodná we will discuss their scientific direction, the position of women in science and at the university and the reconciliation of their work and family life. We will also ask them about new technologies – how they perceive them and whether they use them in their teaching or scientific work. The panel discussion will be led by Kateřina Pelouchová.

Auditorium RB 212 (programme in Czech language)

Ladislav Mejzlík: What will the new accounting law bring us from 2025? (lecture accompanied by a quiz)
  • For more than five years, the Czech Republic has been preparing an accounting reform which, in addition to a completely new Accounting Act, will change another 120 laws and implementing regulations and will therefore represent a revolution comparable to the change in accounting regulations after 1989 or the recodification of civil and commercial law in 2012. In the course of the lecture you will learn all about the international context of this reform and the current state of its preparation, including the main changes that the reform will bring for companies, but also for users of information from financial statements. These changes include, for example, lease reporting, functional currency reporting and auditing of sustainability reports, expanded use of International Accounting Standards and more.
Karina Kubelková: Ten Years of Macroprudential Policy in the Czech Republic
  • Macroprudential policy ensures the stability of the financial system, which is currently under scrutiny and receiving considerable attention. The development of macroprudential policy in the Czech Republic and its current state will be presented by Karina Kubelková, a member of the CNB Bank Board.
Antonín Pavlíček, Tomáš Sigmund: What artificial intelligence brings us. Should we be afraid?
  • The lecture deals with the topic of opportunities and threats of the current development of artificial intelligence. We will consider how AI can change various sectors (healthcare, science, economics and labour, society, law), how these changes can be beneficial and what are the ethical issues and challenges that this development brings. Potential risks and threats associated with AI will be discussed, such as loss of jobs, the spread of misinformation and other possibilities for misuse of AI, limitations on human autonomy, loss of human competence, inexplicability of AI decision-making, inequality in society, and more. This talk will focus on how we can proactively address these issues and ensure that AI development brings the greatest benefit to society. During the talk, various examples of AI applications such as chatbots or autonomous vehicles will be presented, including their impact on society.
Martin Klčo: Marketing in the presidential campaign or how to make a flannel revolution…
  • In retrospect, everything looks simple. But as you can guess, it wasn’t. What were the challenges we faced? What was key to the success of the campaign? What went wrong, and how did we resolve it? What was the cooperation like with the President? Does political marketing built on values and not populism stand a chance in the future? Come and discuss and ask questions about anything that interests you.
Tomáš Karel: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.” or how to lie with statistics
  • Statistics is a powerful tool. In good hands it helps us to reveal the truth, but it is easy to misuse it to hide the truth. We will show you real examples from the present and history where statistics have been used to distort the truth or even to lie. Examples where a misunderstanding of statistics and probability has had tragic consequences.

Talks in English – Auditorium RB 213

Paul Cejka:
Why not? From Jindrichuv Hradec to London and back
  • Pavel is a PhD graduate. He will share his FM experience and how this helped on his career journey from 3M Prague to Salesforce, London. He will also discuss the benefits of FM PhD towards continual studies at Cambridge Judge Business School.
Ota Novotný:
Data Analytics Education at VŠE – Are you on the train or it is leaving without you?
  • Everywhere we hear that data is a new fuel of the world, and a lot of investments have been made into new analytical tools. New machine learning models allowing even more data analysis are popping out as mushrooms. Data analytics is a transformational discipline and brings a lot of personal power. What you should know from the data analytics field for your role? How and where to get this knowledge to remain relevant or even change your role? Come and discuss it!
UPDATE 20 Oct – Daria Hvíždalová’s lecture cancelled due to illness
Daria Hvížďalová:
Revolutionizing Education: AI and Digital Disruption
  • The advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital technology have transformed the way we live, work, and learn. As we continue to navigate the digital erathe role of AI in education has become increasingly importantDiscover how AI is changing the way we teach and learnthe potential of personalized learning, and new educational opportunities for people around the world – and what are skills required from ushumans, to leverage this technology to its fullest and stay ahead of the curve.
Patrik Juránek:
Startups in a Global Environment
  • We are on our way to becoming the global Marketplace for StartupDisrupt.com startups. The core issue of our work lies in inspiring, educating and connecting startup founders and technological innovators across the world. Come and be inspired!

Cultural Stage – Vencovskeho Auditorium

Annual graduation ceremony
  • At the Alumni Homecoming event, you have the unique opportunity to renew the vows you took years ago. Come to the kickoff event in the beautiful space of Vance Auditorium for the renewal of your alumni vows and graduation ceremony.
Orchestra VŠE
  • Orchestra of the University of Economics and Business in Prague under the direction of chief conductor Haig Utidian and conductor Kateřina Maňasová.
Jean Sibelius The Swan of Tuonela, Lemminkäinen Suite
Johann Sebastian Bach Menuet a Badinerie, Orchestrální Suita č.2 h-moll
Sólo na flétnu Iva Štveráková
Talent VŠE
  • Come and see our best Talents perform!
Folkloric dance performance by the Gaudeamus ensemble
  • Folklore? Why not or folklore is not dead!
    Original choreography drawing on themes of Czech folk art interspersed with newly staged songs performed by the dance group and folk music ensemble.
Tancmuzika Choreography and voicebands: David Mikula
Utancovaný Choreography: Alena Skálová, hudební úprava: Jiří Fišer
Pod Žďákovským mostem Musical arrangement: Milan Buňata
Leporela Choreography: Alena Skálová, hudba: Jiří Fišer
Husaři Musical arrangement: Marek Janata
U kláštera pole Czech folk music from South Bohemia
Sing with us
Spor Masopusta s Půstem, Karneval Choreography: Alena Skálová, music: Jaroslav Krček, recorded by Muzica Bohemica, the characters of Masopustus and Pust are spoken by Messrs. Hlinomaz and Lohnisky
Musica Oeconomica Pragensis – Choir of the Prague University of Economics and Business

The Musica Oeconomica Pragensis Choir will close the cultural stage with their performance, singing the following songs:

Zdeněk Lukáš: Tolita toten Oldřich Halma: Nad Myjavu vyšla hvězda
Jaroslav Krček: Což se mě, má milá, hezká zdáš Ivan Hrušovský: Išeu Macek
Zdeněk Lukáš: Kotek sedí mezi sudy Don Newby: If We Ever
Arnošt Košťál: Už je slunko Kenneth Gaw: Where You There
Zdeněk Lukáš: Oj, oj, oj Mark Hayes: Wade In The Water
Josef Pančík: Okolo Hradišťa Merle Travis/arr. K. Shaw: Sixteen Tones

What else you can look forward to

Cake Cutting Ceremony
Atrium of the Paradise Building
  • As at every celebration, there will be a cake which will be cut by the Rector of the University of Economics, Mr. Petr Dvořák.
Faculty of Management: for coffee with alumni and faculty staff in the chill out zone
RB Brunch Corner, 2nd floor of the Paradise Building, next to RB 207


Faculty of Management: Sustainably with faculty and partners
RB Refreshment Corner, 2nd floor of the Raj Building, next to RB 207


Faculty of Management: Learn about sustainability at dm drogerie markt s.r.o.
RB 207


Libor Vitek: Nutrition in sport
RB 209
  • Proper nutrition is the basis for human health. However, in addition to its direct impact on the risk of civilisation diseases, it also has a clear impact on sports performance. However, the truth is that nutrition is highly underestimated in elite sport, let alone performance sport, even though it can have a differential impact on athlete performance. The problem is the general ignorance of athletes and performance teams, as well as the fact that sports nutrition is shrouded in many myths and untruths, which are often supported by professional nutrition consultants. Thus, in practice, we often encounter views on sports nutrition that do not make sense and may even be harmful to athletes. This is also due to the fact that we are living in a time of information explosion, when information is available in public sources but is not supported by anything. Very often, sports nutrition is reduced to the administration of nutritional supplements, which are given much more importance than they actually have. These supplements are often used in an inappropriate way, the main motivation often being commercial pressures from suppliers, coupled with their unprofessionalism. A major objective is therefore to cultivate the sporting environment and raise general awareness of good sports nutrition.
Faculty of International Relations: festive meeting with Dean Josef Taušer
RB 210


Economics at play or what does an experiment in the laboratory look like?
Experimental Economics Laboratory (LEE)
  • Does “experimental economics lab” sound inappropriate to you? Then come and see what modern experimental economics research can look like. There will be a “Public Goods Game” where you will get a hands-on experience of how people make decisions when contributing to public goods and the impact of punishing so-called “stowaways”.
14:45 – 15:30
Jana Cibulková: Don’t just trust your intuition, trust the data! Demonstrations of famous data analysis with Mode school
SB 107
  • Data-driven decision-making relies on facts, data and data analysis. This enables us to choose the best strategy, gain a competitive advantage or predict future developments. Come and see for yourself how useful data analysis can be. The MODE school faculty will guide you through three famous examples. We will teach you how to understand data and use the most effective statistical methods of data analysis!
Faculty of National Economy: discussion with faculty staff
RB 209


15:45 – 17:15
Zuzana Šedivá: Experience the Data Minimum for yourself
SB 107
  • If you base your decisions and arguments on a solid data foundation, you can be confident that you are making the right decision. As a result, you can better defend your projects and strategic decisions and better present your results. The Data Minimum is an experiential workshop designed for everyone, even complete beginners, who have no experience with data, technology or analytics yet but are interested in changing that. The goal of the workshop is to demonstrate how to work with data to determine strategy and make decisions to solve a problem, in real time while playing the ADgame simulation game. Workshop participants work in teams to apply their knowledge and skills to media planning while immediately verifying the correctness of their decisions. The goal of the workshop is to make data analytics an experience that the participant will remember and be able to make decisions and actions in their professional and personal lives in the future.
Faculty of Finance and Accounting: alumni networking meeting
RB 212


Faculty of International Relations: diplomacy program – alumni reunion
RB 211


Faculty of International Relations: study programme Tourism – alumni reunion
RB 213


Faculty of International Relations: study programme International Business – alumni reunion
RB 210


Faculty of International Relations: study programme Bachelor of International Business – alumni reunion
RB 112


Faculty of International Relations: study programme International Business – alumni reunion
RB 113


Faculty of International Relations: study programme Diplomatic Studies – alumni reunion
RB 114


Faculty of Business: reunion of the English program MIMG
RB 103


Faculty of Business: meeting of the Arts Management programme
RB 104


Faculty of Business and Economics: meeting of the Management program and minor specializations
RB 105-107


Faculty of Business: meeting of the English CEMS programme
AK Lounge, 3rd floor of the Italian Building


Faculty of Economics: Alumni Networking Meeting
RB 203 and RB 204


Faculty of Informatics and Statistics: Meeting with the Dean or Dean’s Wine Data Minimum
Vencovsky Club


Band concert
Atrium of the Rajska Building


Afterparty with DJ
Atrium of the Rajska Building

What will be prepared for you throughout the day

MBA/MPA Programs Fair
Atrium of the Rajska Building
  • In the premises of the Atrium of the Paradise Building you will have the opportunity to learn about the offer of lifelong learning at our university, which will allow graduates to continue their education after graduation. Many of our former students will find that the VŠE offers a wide range of resources and support for their further development.

Do you remember where you used to go for lunch at the university? And where to go for one after rehearsal? You’ll be able to purchase snacks at all dining facilities!

  • Student Canteen (entrance from the ground floor of the Italian Building)
  • VŠEm Pizza, Healthy Food (entrance from the ground floor of the Italian Building)
  • AK VŠE Restaurant (3rd floor of the Italian Building)
  • Umbrella pizza bar (left at the entrance to the New Building)
  • Café Ekonom (Paradise Building)
Animation programme for children
3rd floor of the Italian Building
  • Our little guests at the VSE Alumni Homecoming will have everything they could wish for. A day full of fun and joy awaits them.
  • They can look forward to a series of competitions and creative workshops or a mini-disco led by experienced animators from Animation Point, and there will be no shortage of the popular face painting.
Exhibition of historical objects from the University of Economics
RB 109
  • The Centre of Informatics in cooperation with the library and archives of the University of Economics has prepared an exhibition of historical objects that you will be able to see during guided tours of the premises of the University of Economics in Žižkov. You will see a lot of interesting things, especially different kinds of keyboards and monitors or whole computers and other devices.
Tours of the VŠE Campus in Žižkov
Meet in front of RB 101
  • Discover the beauty of VŠE’s modern campus in Žižkov – join us on special tours! The campus is surely an integral part of all the memories of your student years. Explore how it has transformed over the years. We have prepared tours that will excite you and transport you to a new era of the Prague University of Economics and Business.

    Sraz účastníků bude vždy každou celou hodinu před RB 101.

Programme of faculties

Faculty of Finance and Accounting

Ladislav Mejzlík: What will the new law on accounting bring us from 2025? (lecture accompanied by a quiz) (11:00-11:30), lecture will be in Czech language

  • For more than five years, the Czech Republic has been preparing an accounting reform which, in addition to a completely new Accounting Act, will change another 120 laws and implementing regulations and will therefore represent a revolution comparable to the change in accounting regulations after 1989 or the recodification of civil and commercial law in 2012. In the course of the lecture you will learn all about the international context of this reform and the current state of its preparation, including the main changes that the reform will bring for companies, but also for users of information from financial statements. These changes include, for example, lease reporting, functional currency reporting and auditing of sustainability reports, expanded use of International Accounting Standards and more.

Lenka Nováková: Digitalization in the accounting industry (12:00-12:30), lecture will be in Czech language

  • Every change in life is very difficult to accept and difficult for a person. There have been a lot of changes happening in the accounting and finance industry lately, which can create fear of change, but on the other hand can add value. These changes include trends in artificial intelligence, robots, chatbots, new cloud technologies. As machine learning, artificial intelligence, apps and other technologies continue to improve, they are already beginning to have a significant impact on professional fields such as accounting, finance, law and also accountability in these fields. Professionals in these fields will be more productive and proficient, able to handle more activities and provide more value because they can identify actionable insight rather than just transcribing numbers from paper documents. Cloud technologies are helping to change industries, on the other hand, for some organizations they may still not be preferred due to their limitations in capitalizing on company assets. How much can accounting methodology influence a company’s future digital strategy?

Miloslav Janhuba: Moments from the history of university accounting education (12:30-13:00), lecture will be in Czech language

  • The lecture will focus on a brief history of accounting and its university teaching in the Czech lands, on the characteristics of the content and forms of accounting teaching at the VŠE since its beginning in 1953. Along with the development of the tribal professional department over the past 70 years, it will also recall the development of the accounting field of study.

Jan Pavel: Sustainability of public finances in the Czech Republic (14:00-14:30), lecture will be in Czech language

  • Why are Czech public finances out of balance and how to change it? Why are we unable to get out of high deficits and is the problem on the expenditure or revenue side? What will the ageing population bring us and will we be able to finance everything?

Alumni Networking Meeting (16:00-18:00), RB 212

Faculty of International Relations

Martin Klčo: Marketing in the presidential campaign or how to make a flannel revolution… (13:15-13:45), the lecture will be in Czech language, RB 212

  • In retrospect, everything looks simple. But as you can guess, it wasn’t. What were the challenges we faced? What was key to the success of the campaign? What went wrong, and how did we resolve it? What was the cooperation like with the President? Does political marketing built on values and not populism stand a chance in the future? Come and discuss and ask questions about anything that interests you.

Meet & Greet with the Dean of the Faculty and Vice-Deans (Meeting with the Management of the Faculty of International Relations) (14:00-14:45) – CZ, RB 210

Martin Jahn: Global crisis from the automotive perspective (15:00-15:30), the lecture will be in Czech language, RB 101

  • Almost thirty years since graduation from the Prague University of Economics and Business. Approximately one third of my life has been spent in public service, two thirds in the Volkswagen Group, one third in the Czech Republic, and two thirds in countries that have a major impact on the global economy and politics – the USA, Russia, Germany and China. What I have come to on my journey, what I have understood from my mistakes and what I have learned from my errors. How to navigate in today’s world: to follow your own values and follow your inner compass.

IB Alumni Reunion (16:00-18:00) – EN, RB 113

IDS Alumni Reunion (16:00-18:00) – EN, RB 114

IBB Alumni Reunion (16:00-18:00) – EN, RB 112

FMV Alumni Reunion – Mezinárodní obchod: networkingové setkání absolventů (16:00-18:00) – CZ, RB 210

FMV Alumni Reunion – Diplomacie: networkingové setkání absolventů (16:00-18:00) – CZ, RB 211

FMV Alumni Reunion – Cestovní ruch: networkingové setkání absolventů (16:00-18:00) – CZ, RB 213

Faculty of Business Administration

Simona Kijonková a doc. Daniela Pauknerová: Work-life balance – can work-life balance be found and maintained? (10:30-11:00), the lecture will be in Czech language

  • Simona Kijonková is perceived as a successful businesswoman and manager. But she is also a parent. How does she manage or fail to maintain a balance between her work and personal life? What was this balance like in the early days of the business and what is it like now? What advice would she have given herself 10 years ago today? Has she ever experienced job burnout? These and other questions will be asked by doc. Daniela Pauknerová, Head of the Department of Managerial Psychology and Sociology at FPH.

Jakub Chomát: Workshop Mastery of Finding Comfort in Discomfort (11:15-12:45, 13:00-14:30), workshop will be in Czech language

  • During the workshop we will describe the principles of how we ourselves function in uncomfortable situations and, thanks to a short immersion of our limbs in ice water, we will experience first-hand how powerful is the adjustment of our mind in conjunction with conscious breath work. Participants will feel the power of their physiology, a potential that most western societies do not harness and thus do not effectively manage the relentless pressure to perform. We will discuss the Wim Hof method and conscious breathwork, as well as how to make it work so that stress strengthens us and does not weaken us.

Daria Hvížďalová: Revolutionizing Education: AI and Digital Disruption (14:30-15:00), the lecture will be held in English

  • The advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital technology have transformed the way we live, work, and learn. As we continue to navigate the digital era, the role of AI in education has become increasingly important. Discover how AI is changing the way we teach and learn, the potential of personalized learning, and new educational opportunities for people around the world – and what are skills required from us, humans, to leverage this technology to its fullest and stay ahead of the curve.

Meeting of English programmes: CEMS (16:30-18:30), AK Lounge, Italska Building, 3rd Floor

Meeting of English programmes: MIMG (16:00-18:00), RB 103

Meeting of Czech programmes: Arts Management (16:00-18:00), RB 104

Meeting of the Management and Subsidiary Specialisations (16:00-18:00), RB 105-107

Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

Marek Rojíček: Official statistics between the past and the future (11:15-11:45), the lecture will be in Czech language, RB 101

  • Societal changes are also reflected in the development of official statistics. This concerns the capture of new areas of interest, but also the data sources used by statistical institutions and the tools they use to process them. Last but not least, the way data are presented and popularised is also changing. Nowadays, it is no longer a problem to access statistical data, but to know it and to distinguish its quality and its telling power, and this is where the role of national and international statistical institutions is indispensable.

Antonín Pavlíček, Tomáš Sigmund: What artificial intelligence brings us. Should we be afraid? (12:30-13:00), the lecture will be in Czech language

  • The lecture deals with the topic of opportunities and threats of the current development of artificial intelligence. We will consider how AI can change various sectors (healthcare, science, economics and labour, society, law), how these changes can be beneficial and what are the ethical issues and challenges that this development brings. Potential risks and threats associated with AI will be discussed, such as loss of jobs, the spread of misinformation and other possibilities for misuse of AI, limitations on human autonomy, loss of human competence, inexplicability of AI decision-making, inequality in society, and more. This talk will focus on how we can proactively address these issues and ensure that AI development brings the greatest benefit to society. During the talk, various examples of AI applications such as chatbots or autonomous vehicles will be presented, including their impact on society.

Meet the Dean or The Dean’s Wine Data Minimum (from 17:30)

Ota Novotný: Data Analytics Education at VŠE – Are you on the train or it is leaving without you? (13:15-13:45), the lecture will be in EnglishRB 213

  • Everywhere we hear that data is a new fuel of the world, and a lot of investments have been made into new analytical tools. New machine learning models allowing even more data analysis are popping out as mushrooms. Data analytics is a transformational discipline and brings a lot of personal power. What you should know from the data analytics field for your role? How and where to get this knowledge to remain relevant or even change your role? Come and discuss it!

Tomáš Karel: “Lies, damn lies, and statistics.” or how to lie with statistics (14:00-14:30), the lecture will be in Czech language – RB 212

  • Statistics is a powerful tool. In good hands it helps us to reveal the truth, but it is easy to misuse it to hide the truth. We will show you real examples from the present and history where statistics have been used to distort the truth or even to lie. Examples where a misunderstanding of statistics and probability has had tragic consequences.

Jana Cibulková: Don’t just trust your intuition, trust the data! Demonstrations of famous data analysis with Mode school (14:45 – 15:30), workshop in Czech language

  • Data-driven decision-making relies on facts, data and data analysis. This enables us to choose the best strategy, gain a competitive advantage or predict future developments. Come and see for yourself how useful data analysis can be. The MODE school faculty will guide you through three famous examples. We will teach you how to understand data and use the most effective statistical methods of data analysis!

Zuzana Šedivá: Experience the Data Minimum for yourself (15:45 – 17:15), workshop in Czech language

  • If you base your decisions and arguments on a solid data foundation, you can be confident that you are making the right decision. As a result, you can better defend your projects and strategic decisions and better present your results. The Data Minimum is an experiential workshop designed for everyone, even complete beginners, who have no experience with data, technology or analytics yet but are interested in changing that. The goal of the workshop is to demonstrate how to work with data to determine strategy and make decisions to solve a problem, in real time while playing the ADgame simulation game. Workshop participants work in teams to apply their knowledge and skills to media planning while immediately verifying the correctness of their decisions. The goal of the workshop is to make data analytics an experience that the participant will remember and be able to make decisions and actions in their professional and personal lives in the future.
Faculty of Economics

Eva Zamrazilová: Reflection and perspectives of higher education from personal experience (11:00-11:30), the lecture will be in Czech languageRB 210

  • In the context of her own journey through higher education both as a student and as a teacher, and subsequent economic practice in her lecture, Assoc. Eva Zamrazilová will evaluate the development of higher education in the field of economic disciplines. The lecture will (among other things) focus on key issues in the direction of higher education, which are related to, for example, the increasing bureaucratization or the demands on academics.

Karina Kubelková: Ten years of macroprudential policy in the Czech Republic (11:45-12:15), the lecture will be in Czech languageRB 212

  • Macroprudential policy ensures the stability of the financial system, which is currently under scrutiny and receiving considerable attention. The development of macroprudential policy in the Czech Republic and its current status will be presented by Karina Kubelková, a member of the CNB Bank Board.

Economics at play or what does an experiment in the laboratory look like? (14:00-15:00), LEE

  • Does “experimental economics lab” sound inappropriate to you? Then come and see what modern experimental economics research can look like. There will be a “Public Goods Game”, where you will have a hands-on experience of how people make decisions when contributing to public goods and the impact of punishing so-called “stowaways”.

Václav Klaus: How a VŠE student from the late 1950s and early 1960s sees today’s world and today’s higher education (14:15-14:45), the lecture will be in Czech language RB 101

  • Higher education, along with society as a whole, is undergoing a rapid evolution. One of them, Prof. Václav Klaus, will give us an insight into how students who graduated from university in the 1950s and 1960s perceive and navigate today’s world.

Discussion with faculty teachers (15:00-16:00), RB 209

Alumni Networking Meeting (16:00-18:00), RB 203 and RB 204

Faculty of Management

Coffee with alumni and faculty staff in the chill out zone, 2nd floor of the Paradise Building

Sustainably with faculty and dm drogerie markt Inc.

Competitions, fun, networking!

Ladislav Jelen: Why the caps? (11:45-12:15), the lecture will be in Czech language – RB 210

  • We also want to be sustainable in packaging management, how do we go about it? How does packaging management fit into the carbon footprint theme? Why did we invent the lids? We’ll talk about this briefly in the lecture and then in a possible debate in the FM VŠE chill out zone.

Pavel Čejka: Why not? From Jindrichuv Hradec to London and back (12:30-13:00), the lecture will be in English – RB 213

  • Pavel is a PhD graduate. He will share his FM experience and how this helped on his career journey from 3M Prague to Salesforce, London. He will also discuss the benefits of FM PhD towards continual studies at Cambridge Judge Business School. 

Learn about sustainability at dm drogerie markt Inc. (12:30-13:15), workshop in Czech language – RB 207

Markéta Kajabová: How to make sustainable behaviour automatic (13:30-14:00), the lecture will be in Czech language – RB 101

  • I consider sustainable behaviour to be automatic, they don’t always talk about it and it’s hard for them to boast about any progress. “If you never use a defective issue, you cannot then report that you have removed it, ” … Markéta Kajabová, Managing Director of dm drogregii markt s.r.o., will talk to you about sustainable behaviour.

Patrik Juránek: Na cestě stát se globálním hráčem (14:45-15:15), the lecture will be in English – RB 213

  • We are on our way to becoming the global Marketplace for StartupDisrupt.com startups. The core issue of our work lies in inspiring, educating and connecting startup founders and technological innovators across the world. Come and be inspired! 

Tours of the dormitories in Jarov

Come to Jarov on Sunday 22 October and let yourself be guided through the student dormitories!

Meeting will be at 11:00 or 14:00 in front of Palach’s dormitory building D – the main entrance to the dormitory. There will be a guided tour, where you will learn interesting information about the dormitory.

The programme will start with an introduction, during which visitors will learn more about the capacity of the halls of residence, the progress of the renovations, investments, the strategy of the halls of residence and occupancy, including information about the nationalities of students in the halls of residence.

The first stop on the tour will be Palach’s Dormitory, where renovations are underway. Renovations are already complete on the 4th floor, so you will be able to see the new gym and gymnastics hall. This will be followed by a visit to Eisler’s Dormitory where you will be able to see the student rooms, the roof, the gym, the common room and the laundry room. The program will conclude with a tour of the Thaler’s Dormitory.

Visitors will also have access to the sports facilities on campus throughout the programme.

The residence hall spaces will be open so you can explore the spaces on your own. You will receive a flyer with information about the dorms, the campus and a detailed description of what you can see during the tour. In this way, you will be able to fully enjoy and explore the beauty and evolution of these dorms over the years.


Faculty of Finance and Accounting

Miloslav Janhuba
Miloslav Janhuba

Professor at the Prague University of Economics and Business, Department of Financial Accounting and Auditing

He graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business with a degree in mechanisation and automation of control work. He has been working at the Department of Accounting at the Prague University of Economics and Business since 1977 (Associate Professor 1990, Professor 2005). He is mainly interested in the theory and history of accounting; his main professional publication is Introduction to Accounting Theory from 2010.

Ladislav Mejzlík
Ladislav Mejzlík

Vice Dean for Development

Graduated in 1984 from the Prague University of Economics and Business, where he worked at the Department of Financial Accounting and Auditing first as an assistant professor, deputy head of the department and in 2006-2014 as head of the department. In 2014 and again in 2018 he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting at the Prague University of Economics and Business, and since 2022 he has been Vice Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting. In 1993 he passed the auditing exams and in 2010-2014 he was twice elected First Vice President of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic and in 2022 its President. Since 2004 he has represented the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the University of Economics in Prague in the National Accounting Council and in 2004-2010 he represented the Czech Republic in the European Accounting Association. He specialises in the use of information and communication technologies in accounting and auditing and in the regulation and harmonisation of accounting internationally and is known for his lecturing and publishing activities in these areas. He works closely with the practice, is a member of the Ministry of Finance’s Advisory Commission on Accounting, and a member and chairman of company audit committees. He serves on the editorial boards of professional journals and is a member of the scientific boards of the Prague University of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the Prague University of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Economic Informatics of the University of Economics in Bratislava and the Faculty of Operations and Economics of Mendel University in Brno.

Lenka Nováková
Lenka Nováková

Microsoft Sales Director for the Large Customer Segment in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

She is Microsoft’s Director for the Large Customer Segment in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. She strengthens Microsoft’s position as a strategic advisor and partner for the digital transformation of large organizations and builds strategic partnerships. Since 2020, she has served as Microsoft’s Director of Small, Medium and Enterprise Business at the company, where she was responsible for the digital transformation of enterprise customers and the development of business channels for small and medium-sized businesses.


Jan Pavel
Jan Pavel

Member of the National Budget Council

In his teaching activities, he has long focused on public finance, the theory of budgetary and fiscal policy and the efficiency of the public sector. From 2003 to 2006 he worked at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic. Since 2005 he has been working at the Department of Public Finance at the University of Economics in Prague. In January 2018, he was elected to the National Budget Council by the Chamber of Deputies on the proposal of the Czech National Bank for a two-year term. After its expiry, Jan Pavel was re-elected by the Chamber of Deputies on the proposal of the Central Bank (six-year term).

Faculty of International Relations

Martin Jahn
Martin Jahn

Member of the Board of ŠKODA Auto

Born in Prague, he graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business, then joined the CzechInvest agency, where he rose through the ranks. He represented the agency in Chicago, where he also earned an MBA from DePaul University. After returning to the Czech Republic, he held the position of Director General at CzechInvest from 1999 to 2004. From 2004 to 2005 he was Deputy Prime Minister for Economy. In 2006, he joined ŠKODA AUTO and became a member of the Board of Directors for Human Resources Management. After two years, he left for Moscow to become Managing Director of VW Group NSC. He then moved to VW in Germany, where he was in charge of managing worldwide corporate sales. In 2016, he moved to Changchun, China, where he took over as Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing and Managing Director of the Volkswagen brand in Volkswagen’s partnership with Chinese automaker FAW. He then returned to the Czech Republic after almost 13 years. Since March 2021, he has been a member of ŠKODA AUTO’s Board of Management and is responsible for sales and marketing. In the same year, he took over as President of AutoSAP and is Vice President of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic. He is married and has four daughters.

Martin Klčo
Martin Klčo

Marketer of Good Things, Petr Pavel’s team, Unicorn Attacks

For nine years, he was the director of the communications agency Leo Burnett. Since 2020 at Unicorn Attacks, he has been building brands, creating value propositions and leading strategic marketing projects, especially for promising Czech start-ups and scale-ups. He led the marketing campaign of General-President Petr Pavel and continues to be part of his team.


Faculty of Business Administration

Daria Hvížďalová
Daria Hvížďalová

CEO, 42 Prague, artificial intelligence expert

Daria is a graduate of the international CEMS MIM programme. She specialises in innovative technologies and process automation and stands behind the educational project 42 Prague. Daria is a co-founder of Mainware and JHV Solutions, companies that provide the industry with insights in how to automate manufacturing processes faster, cheaper and more efficiently using the latest technologies – artificial intelligence and augmented reality. She has also given lectures for TEDx and was the local chairwoman of the Human-Level AI multi-conference. Daria gives lectures at the European School of Business & Management. In 2023. Czech Forbes listed her in “30 under 30” ranking.  She occasionally writes columns for Forbes about parenting and the connection with data science. 

Simona Kijonková
Simona Kijonková

Founder of the company Zásilkovna

She is considered to be the first lady of e-commerce in the Czech Republic. In 2010, she founded the company Zásilkovna and built it into an international technology and logistics company with a turnover of over CZK 6 billion. Currently, she is the head of Packeta holding, which is a group of 14 companies, including the Czech company Zásilkovna, and manages more than 2,200 employees. She has won numerous awards for her work: she was EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 of the City of Prague, in 2018 and 2021 she won the Economia’s TOP Female Entrepreneur of the Year, and for many years she has topped the Forbes Most Influential Women list.

Daniela Pauknerová
Daniela Pauknerová

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Business Administration, Prague University of Economics and Business

She is an associate professor at the Faculty of Business Administration of the Prague University of Economics and Business, where she heads the Department of Managerial Psychology and Sociology. She holds a Ph.D. in work and organizational psychology from the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. She has extensive experience in the corporate sphere, where she works as a consultant and lecturer in various courses, trainings and psychological expertise. She is the author and co-author of many professional and popular publications and articles, which have been awarded not only at the Prague University of Economics and Business. She has also received the Excellent Teacher Award of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Prague University of Economics and Business. In her professional, scientific and pedagogical work, she focuses mainly on the issues of leadership and personal development.

Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

Jana Cibulková 
Jana Cibulková 

Member of the Department of Statistics and Probability, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business

Statistician, academic and data analyst who not only teaches data analysis, but also does it in practice. Together with colleagues from the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics and in collaboration with leading practitioners, she has been running courses in statistics, data analysis and programming for the public for the past four years.

Tomáš Karel 
Tomáš Karel 

Member of the Department of Statistics and Probability, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business

His research focuses on Bayesian modelling in macroeconomics. He teaches Bayesian statistics at FIS University of Economics. Founder of MODE research consulting and data analysis agency, founder of 2SAFE4U s.r.o. security agency, FILMKA film stuntman, 10 times world champion in kickboxing, karate and kung fu.

Ota Novotný  
Ota Novotný  

Vice-Rector for Development and Corporate Relations

He has been the Head of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics since 2013, and in 2019 he opened a unique Data Analytics for Business Management MBA program powered by KPMG as Academic Director. As a person with a professional interest in innovation and startups, he has also left his mark at xPORT Business Accelerator, where he has worked for the past seven years.

Antonín Pavlíček
Antonín Pavlíček

Deputy Head of the Department of System Analysis, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague UNiversity of Business and Economics

Deputy Head of the Department of Systems Analysis, his expertise is in new media, social networks and more recently in technological innovation. He has authored publications on topics ranging from general computer science, to social and new media, to information management. He also lectures abroad, for example last year at universities in Israel (Tel Aviv) and Slovenia (Maribor).

Marek Rojíček
Marek Rojíček

Chairman of the Czech Statistical Office

He has worked at the Czech Statistical Office since 2001, when he graduated from the Prague University of Economics and Business in Prague. He has been professionally involved in macroeconomic statistics, especially in the area of national accounts. He participated in the implementation of European standards of national accounting within the CSO before the Czech Republic’s accession to the EU. His research focuses on the role of economic structures in the process of transition from a cost-oriented to a quality-oriented competitive advantage, as well as on the analysis of macroeconomic and structural impacts of globalisation of economic flows. This was also the subject of his PhD thesis at the University of Economics. As part of his teaching activities, he is involved in teaching macroeconomic analysis at the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague. He is the author or co-author of several dozen scientific and professional articles, teaching texts and research studies. Since March 2018, he has been the Chairman of the Czech Statistical Office.


Tomáš Sigmund
Tomáš Sigmund

Member of the Department of System Analysis, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business

He deals with the impact of technology on society from a systemic perspective. He is particularly interested in ethical problems in the information society and the possibilities of their solution. He focuses on raising awareness of ethical issues. He is the author of publications exploring the perception of technology in society and mapping its social impact. His areas of interest also include the media and the way it works.

Zuzana Šedivá 
Zuzana Šedivá 

Member of the Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business

She has been teaching computer science at the Prague University of Economics and Business for a long time and still enjoys it. She is mainly interested in graphical data applications and analytical tasks in BI. She is currently working with Faculty of Informatics and Statistics in the area of blended-learning support.

Faculty of Economics

Václav Klaus
Václav Klaus

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Václav Klaus Institute, member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics of the Prague University of Economics and Business

After graduating, Prof. Václav Klaus worked as a researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and subsequently held economic positions at the State Bank of Czechoslovakia and the Prognostic Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. He was appointed Minister of Finance in 1989 and Deputy Prime Minister of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in October 1991. He was Prime Minister of the Czech Republic from 1992 to 1997 and Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic from 1998. He served as President of the Czech Republic from 2003 to 2013. Since leaving the presidency, he has participated in conferences and seminars and continues to focus on economic and political issues.

Karina Kubelková
Karina Kubelková

Member of the Czech Nationa Bank Board, Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics, Prague University of Economics and Business

Ing. Karina Kubelková has been teaching at the Faculty of Economics of the Prague University of Economics and Business since 2009. From 2010 to 2014 she held the position of economic analyst at the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, and since 2014 she has also worked at the Office of the President of the Republic. From 2016 to 2022, she was the Chief Analyst and Head of the Analysis Department at the Office of the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic. Between 2018 and 2022, she was a member of the Committee on Budget Forecasts. Since July 2022, she has been a member of the Bank Board of the Czech National Bank.

Eva Zamrazilová
Eva Zamrazilová

Deputy Governor of the CNB, member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics, Prague University of Economics and Business

After graduating from the Prague University of Economics and Business, Eva Zamrazilová devoted herself to teaching statistical theory and economic statistics. In 2008, she became a member of the CNB Bank Board. After leaving office in 2014, she held the post of Chief Economist of the Czech Banking Association until 2018. She then took up the position of Chair of the National Budget Council. In 2022, she was appointed Deputy Governor of the Czech National Bank by the President.


Faculty of Management

Paul Cejka
Paul Cejka

Regional VP at Salesforce

Pavel has experienced various leadership roles in Asus, 3M and Tableau. Currently, he lives in London, where he works as a Regional Vice President, Analytics with the Salesforce Group. Dr Cejka spent ten years living abroad in Taiwan, and the United Kingdom, respectively. Pavel’s passion is giving back to society, that is why he volunteered in India, Taiwan or the Philippines. He has also coached of +200 business professionals across five continents. He studied at VSE, UHK (both CZ), National Sun Yat-Sen (Taiwan), St Andrews and Cambridge (UK) and lectured at NSYSU, Katz, Goizueta and King’s business schools. 

Ladislav Jelen
Ladislav Jelen

Social Responsibility and Communities Manager Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic and Slovakia

Ladislav Jelen started his career as a trainee. In this position he got to know the environment of a multinational FMCG company and the agenda of the PA&C department. As an internal communication specialist, he tried managing all the communication channels used. As EVP Specialist, he worked in Employer Branding strategies and coordinated campaigns. As an OD manager, he added Enagagement, Onboarding and Manager Connecting to the agenda. He is now working again on CSR and communities.

Patrik Juránek
Patrik Juránek

Founder and CEO of Startup Disrupt

Patrik is also a founding member of LXVI Business and Investment company for hyper-growth startups. Before Patrik co-founded Startup Grind Prague, part of the largest community platform for entrepreneurs in the world and built a community of 3000+ members in Prague. In November 2018 he also contributed to the establishment of the Startup Grind chapter for Brno and the Moravian region. 

Markéta Kajabová
Markéta Kajabová

Managing Director of dm drogerie markt Inc.

Originally she wanted to be a teacher, but practically after graduation she joined the company dm drogerie markt Inc., where she has been working since 1996. At that time she started as a regional manager for the North Bohemia region. In 2000 she moved to the position of assortment manager and was responsible for the management of the company’s private brands. Since April 1, 2011 she has been part of the company’s management team, where she has taken over responsibility for the region. Since 2017 she has been. She chose dm drogerie markt Inc. because of its overall philosophy – “I appreciate the opportunity to work for a company for which people, whether in the role of customer, co-worker or business partner, are at the centre of interest…”. There are 5 values that are fundamental in her life: freedom, equality, authenticity, commitment, perseverance.


Registrations are open now!

Admission to the event is 200 CZK per adult. Your children under 15 years of age have access to the event free of charge.

After paying the registration fee, you will receive an email confirming your registration, which serves as your ticket to the event. On the day of the event at the entrance, just state your name.

For the English form, change the language using the button in the top right corner of the linked page.

By attending the event and purchasing a ticket, you will contribute to the successful completion of studies for a specific student with special needs at our school, where you also studied.

In the past we have organized for you:

Financial proceeds from the event go to the cause

Centre for Students with Special Needs

Centre for Students with Special Needs has been operating at the VŠE since 2007, when it was established primarily as a response to the needs of students with visual impairments who were studying at the VŠE at that time. This is still reflected in the services provided to students with visual impairments, which are of a high standard. Students benefit from the latest compensatory aids, study materials converted into different formats (digital, embossed, audio, braille), modifications to meet study requirements and information services provided by the visually impaired centre staff.

Currently, 160 students with special learning needs are studying at the VŠE and benefit from the Centre for Students with Special Needs services.
– Students with visual impairments
– students with physical disabilities
– students with hearing disabilities
– students with learning disabilities
– students with mental illness
– students with autism spectrum disorders
– students with chronic illnesses

All students with special learning needs study at the VŠE thanks to the support of the Centre for Students with Special Needs in the form of integration without distinction of academic disadvantage. They can therefore choose any course of study offered. The Centre for Students with Special Needs ensures the study and architectural accessibility of the VŠE to such an extent that the functional impact of the handicap is not an insurmountable obstacle to the fulfilment of study obligations. Tests and examinations are adapted to the specific type and degree of the student’s learning disability. Students with specific needs may use the barrier-free office equipped with compensatory aids and the library of digital study texts. Centre for Students with Special Needs provides students with academic and psychological counselling, assistance with the development of individual study plans, diagnosis of specific learning disabilities and a space for sharing learning experiences among Centre for Students with Special Needs clients. Students with limited mobility can use the services of a personal assistant.

Zdeněk Uldrych
Zdeněk Uldrych

Zdeněk studies at the Faculty of International Relations at the Prague University of Economics and Business. He has been confined to a wheelchair all his life after cerebral palsy. Zdeněk overcomes the significant limitations caused by his disability with a very active lifestyle and optimism, which he easily transfers to his surroundings. He is proficient in several foreign languages (English, Spanish, Japanese), which he actively takes advantage of when he volunteers to help foreign students with special learning needs at VŠE. He is interested in archaeology and modern history. He actively travels when possible and is looking forward to a semester-long study abroad in Spain. His studies at VŠE are associated with increased costs, mainly due to daily travel and the constant need for a personal assistant.

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